Sunday, February 26, 2012

Globalization & Development

The influence of globalization is measured in terms of effects and impacts that affected as outcome at the short run and the long run. Thus the immediate results or benefits received due to globalization process are regarded as the effects and the overall influence of globalization on whole society is regarded as the impact. Though the effects and impacts of globalization were discussed from different point of views as economic, political, social and cultural issues, the vital factor in this regard is how effects or impact were influenced on society either positively or negatively. Obviously, some of the effects of globalization are positive and attractive for increasing economic development and consequently many developing countries are encouraging globalization as the tactical way of development. Considering the past performances of some countries that encouraged the globalization, followings were identified as effects (
1.      Emergence of worldwide production markets and broader access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies
2.      Realization of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital
3.      competition in a global job market
4.      creation of a world government which regulates the relationships among governments and guarantees the rights arising from social and economic globalization
5.      increase in information flows between geographically remote locations
6.      Spreading of multi culturism, and better individual access to cultural diversity
7.      Increase international travel and tourism
8.       Worldwide sporting events such as Olympic and world cup series
9.      Development of world telecommunication system
10.  The creation of the international low and judiciary system
11.  The spread and increased interrelations of various religious groups, ideas, and practices
12.  Develop the social system and nongovernmental organizations

Activity 2.2

List and describe the effects of globalization on the global society

2.3 The Impact

When Consider the main effects of globalization, the impact of globalization is somewhat endanger particularly in terms of sustainable development that intended in achieving viable economic, social and environmentally balance growth. Therefore policy makers are vigilant in minimizing negative impacts and optimizing positive gains. Thus following factors could identify as positive and negative impacts;

Positive Impacts:
1.      Increase world food production and assure the food security
2.      Increase the transport facilities and reduce transport cost  of passenger and goods transport
3.      Encourage international labour migration  and reduce uncertainty of employments
4.      Improve  the information and communication technology
5.      Technological advancement and rapid development
6.      Improve medical technology and reduce the harmfulness of many dieses
7.      Increase the world trade and commerce
Negative Impacts:
1.      Increase income inequalities and disparities among developed and developing nations as well as rural and urban population
2.      Brain drain from developing countries to developed countries
3.      Environmental pollution and increasing negative externalities
4.      Spreading aid and other epidemic diseases
5.      Unexpected economic and financial crisis
6.      Labour displacements due to heavy mechanization 
7.      Drugs, illicit goods trade  and increasing Crimes

Activity 2.2

Justify the positive and negative impacts of globalization

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